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Video watch:
(follow video may contain depictions of violence, viewer discretion is advised.)


Waco CG-4A Hadrian: paper airplane design of American WWII glider

4D model template of Waco CG-4A Hadrian.

wiki background for 4D model of Waco CG-4

Watch: "Waco CG-4A Assault Glider"

Watch: "Silent Wing: The American Glider Pilots of World War II-Full Movie"


4D paper airplane:

paper airplane design

Real look, really fly

​Military glider of World War II
First flight: May 1942
Production: > 13,900 (from 1942 to 1945).

paper aircraft free download

(Skill index 6)


​Down Load template: Click "Down Load Template" button and print.  Or copy-paste the “print-out” of 4D template on your graphic program (such as PowerPoint) and add your label. Adjust the size as needed. 


​Construction Photo Notes

Check discussion for construction. To see large image: Click picture.